Wednesday, 20 April 2011

30lb Sea Liced Springer on the Fly !!!

Lucky Angler Mr Neil McGowan getting the upper hand on this Hugh Tay Springer.

30lb Sea Liced Springer

What an absolute whopper!!! Here's Mr Neil McGowan with his superb catch, A 30lb (weighed) Sea Liced Springer he landed in the Dalmarnock Bank Pool on the Fly!! well done Neil they don't come much better than that. For more information or to book Fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email

30lbr Released

What a great sight to see this magnificent Fish swim off to carry on its journey North,very well done Neil. For more information or to book Fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Dalmarnock Springer

After the guests went home Gordon and I headed for Dalmarnock Bank Pool were a few fish had been seen morning and afternoon,half an hour later this magnificent Tay Springer was landed,thanks to Gordon for netting it!

This big fish took at least fifteen minutes to recover,it is very important that these fish have enough time to recover before release.

For more information or to book Fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email

The Park Family

Here's Mr Gordon Park with his three sons Louis,Daniel and Michael on board one of Dalmarnocks fine Boats,all the boys had a cast in the Oak Tree Pool and Dad Gordon should feel very proud as they are all expert Anglers in the making,keep at it Boys!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mr Thomas Carlile

Fish on! one more cast before lunch produced this big Springer for Tam.this was only Tam's second visit to Dalmarnock.the fish was hooked in the Dalmarnock Bank Pool. for more information or to book fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email

Safely Netted

After a tough battle this topper was safely in the net,Then Tam's heart went back to a normal beat!

15lb Springer

No wonder Tam's got a huge smile what a beauty!! This was Tam's first Springer on the Fly.which he dually returned.very well done Tam. for more information or to book fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email

Saturday, 2 April 2011

18lber Inch Stream Pool

Dalmarnock Ghillie Gordon Pollock playing a big Tay Springer in the Inch Stream Pool at Dalmarnock.for more information or to book fishing Tel:07981811403 or Email

Safely in the net

After an epic battle Gordon's fish is in the net.what a beauty well done Gordon.

18lber Released

After a bit of persuasion the big Springer swims off.well done Gordon. for more information or to book fishing at Dalmarnock TEL:07981811403 or Email

24 lb Springer

What a cracker!!! Mr Gordon Milliken with a big Tay Springer,Gordon landed this beauty in the Summerhouse Pool at Dalmarnock,very well done Gordon.

24lber Released

Gordon returns his magnificant fish!! very well done Gordon. for more information or to book fishing at Dalmarnock Tel:07981811403 or Email